miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

Quantifiers Review (01-07-2020) Inglés

Dear students.

I hope you're doing well. This week we will take a small break so you can rest and focus on the work in your other subjects. Therefore, we will work on a review of contents. There is a small game activity so you can work with a partner or someone from your family, make sure that first you read the content from the previous classes, everything is summarized in the Presentation.

Quantifiers Presentation       -        Quantifiers Exercise

Download the additional paper. Copy or print it.
Cut the squares and give one to your partner. DON'T READ IT.
Using questions and quantifiers, find out 8 differences betwen your fridge and your partner's fridge.
Send your questions and answers to: cris.tapiasilva@gmail.com

Take care ! :D

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